DCU Blog

Stop the Summer Slide

STOP THE SUMMER SLIDE Below are some tips and activities your child can engage in over the summer to maintain and improve their reading skills without feeling overwhelmed. Here are some effective strategies: 1. Audiobooks and E-Books: L


Dyslexia comes with AMAZING strengths and gifts

Dyslexia comes with AMAZING unique strengths and gifts. Here are some notable aspects of the gifts and uniqueness of dyslexia: 1. Creative Thinking  Many individuals with dyslexia are exceptionally creative, excelling in fields suc


Dyslexia and Auditory Processing Disorder: The Facts

Dyslexia and Auditory Processing Disorder: The Facts     February 24, 2022 Last month, we took a look at some of the most common co-occurring conditions that might occur in somebody who has dyslexia and literacy differences, and spent a little time exploring how they might interact with the effects that dyslexia can have on somebody’s lived exper...


Embracing and Explaining Dyslexia to Your Child

Explaining dyslexia to your child can involve using simple language to describe how their brain works differently, emphasizing strengths, and reassuring them that it's okay to learn in their unique way. Books and stories about people that have dyslexia can also help them understand and feel more confident.  It's essential to highlight that dyslex...


The world needs your dyslexic child!

The world needs your dyslexic child! There are more than 7 billion people on earth and 1 in 5 of them are dyslexic. We know from research that dyslexic thinkers possess many of the critical skills required in today's workplace. Dyslex


Confidence Gained Through Tutoring

I have seen a significant difference in my girls confidence and demeanor since they have been going to the Dyslexia Center of Utah. Before they had started getting tutoring; both of my daughters would come back from school exhausted and irritable. They loved the social aspect of school, however I could tell that the academic part of school was drai...


Celebrate Each Moment of Progress

Celebrate Each Moment of Progress Discovering that your child has dyslexia is often overwhelming for parents and guardians. Getting a diagnosis and obtaining dyslexia resources or tutoring can be a long, frustrating process. Once a child has secured tutoring or begins receiving specialized instruction for dyslexia, parents expect to see improvemen...


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