Confidence Gained Through Tutoring

I have seen a significant difference in my girls confidence and demeanor since they have been going to the Dyslexia Center of Utah. Before they had started getting tutoring; both of my daughters would come back from school exhausted and irritable. They loved the social aspect of school, however I could tell that the academic part of school was draining. This became quite the red flag for me as their mother watching them. From Kindergarten up until 2nd grade— they really struggled with certain aspects in school, spelling being the hardest for them. They were able to stay at grade level through hard, hard work— yet slowly things kept getting harder and harder and I could start seeing the gap widening more and more despite their best efforts and my husband’s and my efforts working with them. One day in frustration they both cried saying how difficult school is for them no matter how much they try. They said things just feel “off”. They explained that so many things didn’t make sense to them when the teacher explained things and they started seeing how behind they were in class.
In my gut I wondered if it was Dyslexia but I honestly didn’t know much about it. I reached out to my sister-in-law who was working at the Dyslexia Center of Utah. She listened and supported me and suggested the girls get tested at the center to see if we could get more answers. The girls tested and we were able to get so many answers from seeing their test results. It was such a relief to finally get answers and start moving forward! We signed them up for tutoring and things have gotten so much better since. I honestly can not begin to say the impact tutoring has made in my daughters’ lives. The girls now have a name to what they experience in their brains and they can explain it when others are curious at school. They are empowered with knowledge, skill sets and tools they gain from tutoring which they share with us, their classmates and their teachers!
They ask me all the time if it’s time to go to tutoring because they honestly love it so much. They feel safe and understood by their tutors. I have seen such a difference in them this past year.
Tutoring has provided my girls the confidence and tools to empower them in their education and life.
 I am so grateful to the Dyslexia Center of Utah and all that they have done to help my family!  Monica G.

Dyslexia Center of Utah


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