For the last 3 years we've been struggling to find a solution that could help Wyatt develop the skills needed to advance in school. He was struggling with reading, handwriting, comprehension and attention span. We knew he was dyslexia based on a clinical evaluation. We tried several other programs, spent thousands of dollars, and saw no movement in the areas that were below grade level. It was heartbreaking. We decided to try the Dyslexia Center of Utah in August of 2020. To be honest, I was skeptical. I had been burned by other false promises and hopes of reversing my son's dyslexia. I had two options, leave my job ( single mom, sole provider) and homeschool full time... or, try this program as a last stitch effort before homeschooling. My point is, I was truly desperate. I needed this program to help Wyatt.
Any doubts I had were gone after the first month. Wyatt loved the program, he connected with his tutor, Mrs Liz, and looked forward to seeing her often. Initially, we were only doing two days a week. Because of the success of the program, I decided to increase the frequency to four days a week. This is challenging with working full-time, running a household, and managing other kids...but, it's been worth the investment. Worth the time, schedule juggling, and financial cost.
His school teacher called me three months into the program and wanted to know what I was doing. It made we cry, I was so overwhelmed that someone else noticed. She was amazed at his progress, and spoke specifically about his confidence level. It was just one more data point that identified the results were tangible and significant.
For the first time, Wyatt is feeling so confident and comfortable with his reading ability. Mrs. Liz has awakened something in Wyatt that is incredible. We could not be happier with the program, and Mrs Liz. I was searching for answers...desperately wanting to help my son. Mrs. Liz saved us, because of her Wyatt has hope and is motivated to challenge himself. My only regret is not finding Mrs. Liz and this program sooner!