School has taken on a COMPLETELY different look for Hudson from before he started his incredible life changing journey with DCU...and now!! We started seeing noticeable changes in Hudsons desire to be at school around the end of 2nd grade. He suddenly became fearful to go to school and would beg us to come home, telling us his stomach hurt at school which wasn’t like his normal outgoing personality. I began to get notifications from the school that was letting us know he was testing way below grade level in reading. I had noticed in kindergarten and 1st grade that he struggled to learn his ABC’s and to write them as well but figured it would come with time. Dealing with his sudden dislike of school we dove into what was going on and figured out he was feeling confused, frustrated and overwhelmed in class. We looked into dyslexia testing and had him tested with Shelley and sure enough he was feeling confused and lost with letters and putting them together to form words. I can not tell you the BLESSING that his tutor Amber has been in his life. Through Shelley’s MOR curriculum and Amber’s teaching and support this little guy went from insecure to a confident kid!! He has received accommodations at school that help him thrive and not be fearful of it. He even received praise from his teacher on how to remember a certain type of vocabulary lesson she was trying to teach the class that he had learned from tutoring! He had come SO far and I am truly thankful for who he is today and I know he is too. Confidence is key in a child’s life! From the bottom of my heart I want to thank the generous foundations that made it possible financially to get him where he is today. Hudson graduated from DCU on February 16th 2022.... a day of celebration but also some tears of gratitude and missing seeing Amber and the kindness and support she has given him over the past couple years. Hudsons still has struggles ahead but I know he has the confidence to know he is so SMART... he just had to learn differently than the “norm”. He has the tools to do that now to set him on a path of success. Now he is reading at or even slightly above grade level, YAY!Thank you, thank you DCU!