Strengths in Dyslexia

Many people with dyslexia are extremely gifted.  They might struggle with reading, but thrive in other areas.  


It is never too late for individuals with dyslexia to improve their ability to read, process, and express information more effectively. Research demonstrates that Structured Literacy instructional techniques can significantly benefit both children and adults. While early intervention is ideal, beginning a Structured Literacy program as soon as a child shows signs of dyslexia is the best course of action. For older children and adults, it’s important to remember that hope is never lost. Studies show that Structured Literacy programs can create and strengthen neural pathways in the brain, leading to improved reading skills. Although the process may take 1-2 years, depending on the severity of dyslexia, it is entirely achievable. Many successful, talented, and happy individuals have dyslexia.

Stay hopeful and keep moving forward!

Dyslexia Center of Utah


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